Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Books about Ferries

If you are planning on a ferry ride anytime soon, it would be fun to check out a few books about them. Here are some that we have enjoyed. Even if you don't have a ferry nearby to ride, kids will enjoy learning about ferries, especially if they are into other modes of transportation.

Title: Ferryboat
Author: Betsy and Giulio Maestro
Ages: 3 and older

We took our preschooler on vacation recently where he had the joy of riding on a ferry for the first time. (Toddlers are great at teaching us how simple matters of transportation are actually quite thrilling.) I was so excited when I found this book to extend the ferry fun. He just LOVES this book! It has a really detailed and interesting explanation of how a ferry works (where the engine is, where the driver sits, how they dock it, etc). The illustrations have lots of little details my son likes to point at and ask questions about. Even if you never get to ride on a ferry, I think your little one would enjoy seeing how they work. I know this has been a great springboard for my son pretending to be a ferry driver and transporting all his toy cars and trucks all over our house. I am all for things that get kids imaginations going! I wonder if there are any other good ferry books. Got a recommendation?

*the above book review was originally written 4/24/2006

Title: Ferryboat Ride
Author: Anne Rockwell
3 and older

This book is a bit longer than the one above and my 6-year old has really been enjoying it. He is always fascinated by this sort of thing. It is fun to have 2 ferry books to look at, because the ferries are quite different. Also the books point out different interesting things about ferries.

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