I absolutely love looking at homemade birthday cakes so I am really enjoying the
Birthday Cake Round-up that FishMama is doing on her blog! The cakes are all so cute and I am getting some good ideas of themes to "suggest" to my boys. I love that not all of them are perfect but that everyone is taking the time to make these cakes for their kids and share them with the rest of us.
It has inspired me to share a few more imperfect but well-loved cakes from our family:

Lego Cake - Just baked a 9x13 sheet cake and then cut into blocks. Pegs are marshmallows.

Froggy Cupcakes


Bunny - this is special to me because my mom made one just like it for one of my birthdays
And lastly, a construction cake and a fire engine one too. These were easier than the ones above but the birthday boy loved them just as much!

Love the frog cupcakes! I have always wondered what to use for the pegs on legos. Love the marshmellow idea.
I wonder if you could do small ones (maybe even from Rice Krispies treats?) and then use mini marshmellows???
Oh I love your legos too. My boys are so into those. Great idea with the marshmallows.
Cute, Cute, Cute!!! Great job!
The marshmallows were quite hard to frost. I am not sure if it would even be possible to frost tiny ones!
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